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- Anbindung an ProDictate, EXV
- Remoteadministration
- Diktate wiedergeben/abspielen
- USB Diktiergerät Anbindung
- Hinzufügen von Diktatinformationen
- Einfügen in das Diktat
- Löschen eines Teiles einer Audiodatei.
- Ändern der Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit.
- Hardwareunterstützung (PowerMic II, SpeechMic®)
- Ändern oder Konvertieren des Audiodateityps.
- standardmäßig als WAV-Datei gespeichert
- Hardwareunterstützung PowerMic
- Bei der Demosoftware ist die Laufzeit auf 30 Tage beschränkt.
A user-friendly interface provides all standard functions (up, paste, delete, overwrite, etc.) and enables the sending of additional, separate information alongside your dictations, which can then be used for identification purposes or for automatically distributing dictations. ProRecorder also supports USB voice recorders, which can seamlessly take control of the software without needing to install more drivers.
ProRecorder loads all driver drivers so that no other drivers need to be installed in the system by the user.
- Online Download
- License Key
- Manual
Among others, following features are provided:
- addition of dictation informations
- insertions into an existing dictation
- deletion of parts of an audio file
- adjustment of play-back volume
- hardware support (HandMic, PowerMic,SpeechMic®)
- type-adjustment or type-conversion of audio files
- saving as WAV-file by default
To use ProPlayer, the .NET Framework 4.7 must be installed on PC.